Tuesday, 23 October 2007


Anyone who ever reads this..and knows me (which i hope u do otherwise why are u reading this?!) will know that i have a tendancy to talk..alot. Well this week I think I am being challenged - about how much i talk and how little I listen!

James 1:19..."My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry"

Wow..doesn't describe me at all.

What is the difference between hearing and listening? .. Well imagine this, you and your friend are trying to have a conversation while people are making so much noise in the background. You are trying to LISTEN to your friend but you are HEARING the noise in the background. Or do u ever have the radio on in your car, and realise you have drove for a couple of miles and haven't listened to anything on it, you HEARD it but if asked to repeat what was said you couldn't! Thats because we hear it but don't listen. Sometimes it can be like that with God, I know i complain that I can't hear God..but is it because I'm trying to hear Him with all the distractions in the background making it difficult. Or am I putting aside everything else and really LISTENING.

My aim - to talk less ... listen more...

1 comment:

Ben said...

Your aim is not realistic.