Monday, 10 December 2007


Tonight I learnt about Gulu War, most people have never heard of's not on the News or in the papers..yet it is going on in North Uganda.
It was started by the 'Lord's Resistance Army' .. in an attempt to make the country 'Christian' .. but kidnapping 20, 000 children and forcing them to be child soldiers or sex slaves doesn't sound very 'christian' to me...?!?! ...

Children as young as 10 (maybe even younger..) are forced to be child soliders, part of initiation is that they must shoot their own doing this the army are ensuring the children will stay working for them as they will have no family to return home too. They are often forced to cut off their ears/lips/noses ... and eat their own flesh...
Girls of this age are also forced to work as prostitutes for the men soliders to 'use' ... so so wrong.

As a christain i feel convicted to stand up and do something. It's easy to thing 'I could never make a difference...' But if i even make a difference in one of them children's lives then it would be worth it...

20th December - FAST4AFRICA .. Money goes towards these children .. lets stand up against this together.
Also football for africa .. the children in Africa love football tops but they can't buy them themselves. Make a child happy by sending them an old football shirt you may have ..

Proverbs 14:31 "He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their maker but he who is kind to the needy honours God"

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